Tuesday, December 8, 2015

La Tigra

La Tigra National Park

La Tigra National Park (PNLT), is located in the central region of Honduras, 24 kilometers northeast of Tegucigalpa. It has an area of 240.4 km2 of which correspond to the core 75.9 km2 and 164.5 km2 of the Park to its buffer zone. Part of the municipalities of the Central District, San Juan de Flores, St. Lucia and Valle de Angeles.

Flora and Fauna:
 The Tigra has a wide variety of flora and fauna, vegetation can mention species of trees such as: Pino de Ocote, oak, sweetgum, Aguacatillos among others, there is also diversity of ferns, six of them endangered species which are AMITIGRA protected.

Among the fauna there are species of mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds are the most common groups and we can see inside the park, are known to live animals such as ocelots, agoutis, deer white tail, night monkeys, pumas and Yaguarondis. Birds like finches, Pavas Mountain, quetzals, hawks, toucans among others. Among the reptiles Pichetes or lizards, black and green Tamagases, Bejuquillas, corals and Boas mentioned, amphibians are represented by several species of frogs and toads but they live in the wetter areas of the park.
The variety of insects is impressive, no one knows how many species of insects inhabit the park, so if we can say is that there is an excellent representative of insects such as the blue morpho butterfly or as it is commonly called.


Granadilla Path.
Differentiated by its stream along the trail, it is characterized as suitable for all audiences. It is to visit the path of Granadillas. The tour lasts 45 minutes. And the degree of difficulty: Easy. It is the path opposite the visitor center in Jutiapa, is suitable for children, the elderly, people with health problems (asthma, hypertension, and people with heart problems, in among others) because it is a short section with moderate slopes. Along the trail there is a stream, you can see moss, lichen, fungi and epiphytes.

Jucuara Path.
Its characteristic is that it is an appropriate area for camping. It is a path where to take him to the ancient site of stables so named earlier by the locals, on their way you will see the micro basin Jucuara well as the remains of the product tunnels mineral extraction in the last century, if you observant witness the transition of the pine forest producer of pure and fresh water broadleaf forest. 
Campground has adequately conditioned. This trail is characteristic for the observed common mind Botrops godmani the poisonous snake "Tamagás" inhabitant of these forests, the end of the trail you will find the path veered The Plancitos, which may continue or return to the visitor center.
It is located about 187 meters approximately north of the visitor center of Jutiapa. This takes you to the camping area of the same name.

Bosque Nublado Path.
It is characterized by a haze across the path. The trail entrance is 131 meters east of the visitor center of Jutiapa. This was the first open to the public and its surrounding forest path name. On the trail you can see the nightingale-thrush also moss, lichen, fungi and epiphytes. The atmosphere interacts with each other to capture and store vital liquid called water, the goldfinch will be part of the journey accompanied by a melodious flute and mysterious nature.
La Esperanza Path.
It differentiated by their biological features that allow a relaxing walk.
This trail was the way the ventilation branch with the same name. It is one of the most relaxing for their ecological characteristics trails, you can appreciate the grandeur of some oak trees and aguacatillo survivors of abuse suffered by forests in the early twentieth century.

Principal Path.
Its appeal lies to be the oldest trail.
Currently it is the path that connects all trail each other and between the two visitor centers and two eco-lodges. It can be appreciated flora, fauna, viewpoints and waterfalls some. This path was the old road during mining, which communicate to Tegucigalpa with El Rosario and San Juancito.

La Cascada Path.
Its highlight is the waterfall is approximately 60 meters.
This trail ends at precisely the highest waterfall, with approximately 60 meters high and the attraction of the trail, here you can see how the ecology of the forest come together to form a single being. The visitor center you can access the waterfall trail following the path of hope or the cloud forest trail to track a portion of the main trail then to the eastern entrance

La Mina Path.
It is identified by its mining sites and the landscape
Is a special trail that can share any person of different ages at the end of the route joins the path the waterfalls, which is aimed at the magnificent waterfall. On the edge of this path can be seen fresh streams and can enjoy a spectacular view of the cloud forest and San Juan de Flores, Cantarranas eventually find the ruins of the entrance to the white rock mine.
The eco lodge El Rosario is located about 818 meters west.

Las Golondrinas Paht
Its features are the landscape, mining track and its waterfall.  Its name comes from the end of the tour you can see swallow nests hidden in the waterfall that is 15 meters.  It has a mixed forest, has historical relic by mining.  Located 1 kilometer northwest of Valle de Angeles.

Rates of La Tigra National Park
National adult ……………………………………………………..L. 30.00
National children, elderly and disabled ……..…………………….L. 20.00
Foreign adults ………………………………..……………………$ 10.00
Foreign children, elderly and disabled ……………………………$ 5.00

Accommodation in Eco-lodges
National adult………………………………………………………L. 250.00
Elderly, children and disabled………………...……………………L. 150.00
Foreign adults………………………………………………………$ 10.00
Foreign children, elderly and disabled…………..…………………$ 15.00

Camping area
National…………………………………………….……………….L. 75.00
Foreigners …………………………………………………………..$ 7.50


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